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Midnight Rec: Sketchies: Miscellaneous

Great apologies must be delivered to all, as I forgot the most important award on Thursday. Breakout Performance went to Jess Weixler for Teeth. I strongly recommend you sit through it to see this girl rock it. The first 10 minutes are kind of rough, then it settles in and works very well. She's stunning in a very bizarre horror film. Miscellanous It's not as formalized. Some favorite new items from the year outside of print and visuals: Cakewrecks The Stoop by Little Jackie 1989, remix of Adele's album 19, by Mick Boogie and friends LittleBigPlanet for PS3 Personal Trainer: Cooking for Nintendo DS eeePC by Asus And some old favorites that delivered the goods this year: Pajiba Nintendo Wii Sony Digital Reader Stay tuned for the final day, Print, on Tuesday

Labels: Midnight Rec, sketchies