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Bundle for Ukraine

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There is a wonderful bundle for charity happening at right now.

Bundle for Ukraine is raising money for International Medical Corps and Voices of Children to support the Ukranian people. International Medical Corps is providing medical assistance in the region. Voices of Children is an organization supporting children who have experienced the horrors of war. Both of these organizations are on the ground in the Ukraine right now helping the citizens.

For a minimum donation of $10, you receive almost 1000 games on valued at over $6500. This includes over 500 video games, over 300 tabletop RPG rulesets, and even a selection of game assets for developers. There are games available for PC, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Everything is a direct download from requiring no external keys to activate or download.

All proceeds will go 50/50 to the two charities. The goal is to raise $4000000 by 17 March. They already surpassed their original fundraising goal of $1000000. As of writing this, they are at $3.117million.

If you are able to afford it, I encourage you to look into Bundle for Ukraine. This feels like a great way to help make a difference in the world right now.