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Horror Thursday: Bound to Vengeance

So, Bound to Vengeance is a particularly brutal and, shall we say, ill-conceived throwback exploitation film that really gives you no one to cheer on in a meaningful way. The protagonist says so little that it's up to the actor to sell her importance to a narrative about kidnapping and imprisoning women for sex trade. Her captor says probably two sentences for her every one word, not even letting her have agency in her own revenge story even as she literally has him tethered by the neck like a stray dog. And with that said, Tina Ivlev's performance as that woman fighting not just for her own freedom but the freedom of women she's never met before might be my favorite performance of 2015. What is it with these indie horror films I find so unjustifiably violent having such incredible leading ladies? It's a trend in my viewing and it makes me wish these actors could be cast in films more worthy of their talents.

Anywho, the full review is at Man, I Love Films. Read it.