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Trailer: Drive (2011)

I wasn't sure what to think when Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. He won the director's award, but it sounded like it was just another action-crime film. The cast sounded great--Ryan Gosling, Christina Hendricks, Ron Perlman, Carey Mulligan--but the story seemed off to me. Now that the trailer has been released, I'm sorry I ever doubted the film. It's beautiful. It's violent. It's stylish. It has all the elements of an everything falls apart crime drama in the style of, say, Takeshi Miike or Danny Boyle. Fair warning: it's the redband trailer. That means not suitable for all audiences. I don't remember any cursing, but it does get violent in a brutal way.

Thank you for the early birthday present. I will cherish the eleven-day early gift of a stylish adult action movie with a great cast in September. It really means a lot. Now can you invite a smart and subtle horror film with a plot and a splashy big budget musical to join you for my birthday? Thanks in advance.

What do you think? Sound off below. And because of an incident earlier today with a certain foul-mouthed troublemaker who doesn't understand humor writing, I must remind you that we keep the writing on this site PG. No cursing, no racial/sexual slurs, no threatening comments. That's a one-way ticket to bansville.