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The Link Rally: 28 December 2011

Did you hear about the awful PR person that may have single-handily killed a company that developed a special video game controller for disabled gamers? Penny Arcade's got you covered. This must be seen to be believed. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Dustin Rowles does with Dustin does best: mock people with random lists labeled as such. The worst releases of January 2012 ranked in order of horrors unleashed on cinema. Pajiba

I don't know if I'll ever get around to seeing Stickfly on Broadway. I'm thrilled, however, that audiences are responding so well to an original play. In fact, the production has added extra dates for a cast and creative team talk-back series after the show. Broadwayworld

Speaking of awesome interactive theater opportunities, Speakeasy Dollhouse (review) is going to start running once a month in NYC. Congrats to the entire cast, crew, and creative team. Speakeasy Dollhouse

Kotaku just announced the winner's of their first ever reader's choice video game awards. Skyrim did not win every category. Take that, other awards. Kotaku

Finally, there's a bilingual (English and Tamil) song blowing up worldwide on YouTube right now. Like, news stations covering it in a social context blow up. Like, over 28 million views in a month big. Catch on before its ubiquitous. (Title translates roughly to "Why This Murderous Rage, Girl?" and its lyrics are already being used in public service announcements in India).