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The Link Rally: 6 December 2011

John Scalzi shares a really well-done tearjerker of a Christmas story: Whatever.Scalzi And the Lord said unto thee, Wayne Brady is hilarious, Daddy. Ugly Renaissance Babies

Ruth Leon surveys the London theater scene in anticipation of the 2012 Olympics. Playbill

Three very intricate poster designs called “Weapons of Mass Creation” are worth a look. Dude Craft

Rich Juzwiak’s unedited article on judging a child beauty pageant. I’m aware it’s a month old. It’s stilla must-read article. FourFour

I got this in my inbox from some company I talked to at NYComicCon. They’re putting out an independent animated feature about a very much falling apart America in the spring. This is the comic explaining the context of the movie. Very intriguing. Silver Circle Movie

Kevin Frazier dual-reading of Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson is a must read for Austen and Dickinson enthusiasts. BookSlut

Finally, BroadwayWorld put up video footage of the West End’s production of Matilda, A Musical, aiming for a Broadway bow next season. Now if you’ll help me with these straps, we can test if my time machine actually works so I can see this show in NYC now.