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The Link Rally: 6 June 2012

  • goes over everything there is to know about Sunday night's Tony Awards.
  • So, aside from having a 5 hour battery life, the Wii U can't even stand up by itself. Hooray? Kotaku
  • Rope of Silicon covers the new MPAA decisions, which include Cosmopolis, Sushi Girl (!), and Cloud Atlas. Rope of Silicon
  • Remember that great and inspiring country singer at the Austin auditions for America's Got Talent this year? Yeah. About that. He lied about his military service record. Like, no record of anything he talked about lied. Washington Post
  • This, right here, is why doing interviews or testing out exclusive content gives me anxiety. Critical Miss
  • I'll just flat out say that I'm jealous of paper crafters who have the patience and steadiness to do intricately cut artwork like this. Dude Craft

Tom Gallant Papercraft

  • The director of The Raid: Redemption picks up his first English language action film. Excitement! Cinema Blend
  • Garbo Laughs is teaming up with Pussy Goes Grrr to host the 2012 Queer Film Blogathon. I'll be adding a banner to the sidebar later today. Garbo Laughs
  • Rumors abound about Quantic Dream's follow up to the incredible Heavy Rain. Kotaku

Finally, someone shared this amazing music video with me last night. The song will get stuck in your head. You've been warned.