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The show went fine over the past week. However, I realized that I just need a couple days to get my life back in order. I've been away from home more than not since the end of September and everything is kind of a mess. I have a lot of things to clean, organize, and attend to. I might get to a couple smaller posts like the beginning of last week but videos and comic content will come back at the beginning of December. The tipping point was losing my Horror Thursday column last week. I scheduled it after midnight and it just disappeared by morning. I tried to keep everything up and it was just too much. I've been in schools everyday since Wednesday, including the weekend. It's my first day off in a long time and I just need to get everything centered again.

I'm reopening my Netflix disc service so I can catch up on all the 2013 releases (I'm not even close to the amount of reviews I did last year because I've been so busy) leading into the Sketchys in 2013. Categories will cover film, TV, music, and gaming. Here's a front runner that I'm afraid to write about because of the negative explosion that surrounded the video's release. NSFW.

I just need a little time to be me again. Ever since I took a risk and started including more of myself in my work again and bringing in some actual comparative analysis/critical theory into the site, it's turned into a much harder gig. I love the work. It just takes a lot more from me to do it. I'm working up for a big push including an incredibly scary step I'll be taking in December for the first time. I'm confident in the choice but it makes it no less terrifying. You don't spend a lifetime being told an industry works a certain way and then break all those rules because the tools finally developed to make the less-conventional route the total control freak route.