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Ranking Project Runway: Season 9, Ep. 10

This week on Project Runway, the designers were each challenged to make two looks inspired by the 1970s to sell on Even the contestants joke about having just done the 70's challenge last week. As always, here are the top 5 moments of the episode, plus personal ranking, design commentary, and judges' decisions.


In a moment of non-drama because she's resourceful enough to overcome any obstacle at this point, Anya loses her money at Mood. She was stuffing it in the neckline of her dress because she didn't have pockets or a bag and it fell out while she was running down the steps at Mood.

If you've never had the pleasure of shopping at Mood, allow me to explain. The store is gigantic. There is never a point in the day when there isn't a flurry of activity in the shop. You might not see anyone up by the duct cloth row, but as soon as you walk a major pathway, you'll see employees and shoppers all over the store. They keep a good number of staff on hand so that you get excellent customer service at any point. You can't turn around without finding an employee who can help you.

The space that Anya mentions--between silk jersey and linen--is almost half the distance of the store. She could have realized she dropped her money at minute one of the their thirty minute shopping window and not found it. If you drop cash in NYC, there's a good chance you will never see it again. There is no conspiracy here; only a moment of stupidity.

Bert Got Tu Go Disco

I liked Bert in the first week of the show. Then he proved himself incapable of working with anyone else in the room and wound up on my do not discuss list. Now he's back in my good graces with the way he's behaved recently. His attitude about the 1970s challenge was infectious. He's actually loosening up and showing off his personality again.

He's also designing in a sharp and sophisticated way that matches his audition designs, not the clothing produced because Heidi said to turn up the volume. That's a good thing. Unlike a lot of designers this season, Bert has a point of view. He knows what he does and he does it well. The "turn up the volume" critique was rarely handled well. If he sticks to his guns, he'll make the finale.

The Joshua Conspiracy

Dear Designers,

Joshua has been walking around the room and fingering your designs since week one. I have yet to see him steal a single idea from you people. If you gave him a suggestion and he used it, he didn't steal it from you. Do you really want to take credit for his homage to his stilt-walker bullfighter outfit this week because he looked at your dress form?

I Take It Back, Stay Away from Color

For the first time in Project Runway Season 9 history, all of the designers (except for Viktor, who knows his limits) used bright colors in their designs. I've been begging for weeks to see some color.

I take it back. This episode convinces me that everyone except for Anya and Bert needs to stick to oatmeal, charcoal, honey wheat, and dust as their permanent color palette. I've joked for weeks with friends that Anthony Ryan would be eliminated because his color blindness would cause him problems with clashing patterns. It finally happened. Is there a rule against asking Mood employees if they think awful colors go together?

Busting Out

Kimberly is the luckiest designer this season on Project Runway. For some unknown reason, the judges took mercy on her poorly constructed designs--complete with a front vest seam that popped as soon as the model stepped down away from the screen--and sent her away to safety. It was completely ripped in half by the end of the runway. If it happens again, they'll obviously send her home. Her luck is the most shocking part of the episode.

Personal Ranking

  1. Bert Two: Beautiful dress. Nice color combination.
  2. Anya One: Gorgeous pants, beautiful top, great styling.
  3. Bert One: Beautifully constructed but a little too tight.
  4. Viktor One: Perfect tailoring, nicely styled, but a bit off for 70's influence beyond color.
  5. Kimberly Two: Very nice jumper. Belt is throwing me off, unfinished seam popped in the center.
  6. Anya Two: Print moves odd on the runway, but nicely done.
  7. Viktor Two: Don't like the print on top, but it's well-made
  8. Joshua Two: Lovely print, don't like the black on top.
  9. Anthony Ryan: Prints do not go together at all.
  10. Laura Two: Just a little odd. Strange flaps in the back.
  11. Kimberly One: Not loving the top. Proportions seem just a bit off.
  12. Laura One: Colors do not go together. The skirt is ugly.
  13. Anthony Ryan Two: Maxi dress boring, bad styling.
  14. Joshua One: What the hell was that?

Judges' Ranking


  • Viktor

Winners: Anya Two, Bert Two


  • Lauren
  • Joshua

Out: Anthony Ryan

All I can say about the judges' decision is this: at least Joshua picked attractive prints to butcher on the runway. Anthony Ryan had nothing going for him this week.