Frozen II Review (Film, 2019)

I will say that I enjoyed Frozen II in spite of myself. The quality of the animation is great. The music is so much more adventurous and tuned into the strengths of the returning voice cast. The expanded mythology has some fascinating elements that can surely pay off when the inevitable Frozen III is released. It just doesn’t fit as neatly together as the first film.

About that RuPaul's Drag Race Disqualification

World of Wonder (the producers of RuPaul’s Drag Race) and VH1 (the network airing the series) have disqualified a contestant after the majority of the season already filmed. Sherry Pie is no longer eligible to win the competition (if she made it to the finale) and will not even be allowed to attend the finale that is anticipated to be filmed this May.

Swallow Review (Film, 2020)

Swallow is a different kind of horror film. It’s driven by feeling and concept more than plot. It’s defined as much by the incredible cast as it is by the use of color and light. Writer/director Carlo Mirabella-Davis crafts a horror film of obsession and deflection.

The Legacy of The Candyman

I used to be equally terrified and obsessed with horror film trailers as a child. Let’s set the scene. It’s 1989. I’m four years old. 7pm hits and the TV is suddenly filled with trailers for the newest Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th sequel. I live close enough to NYC that our TV feeds were the same, so every art-house release with a big enough budget also bought TV ad time for their one-week release at a tiny theater. The VHS rental business is booming and home video has gone down in cost, so there’s a sense of planting the seed for a longer shelf life than a theatrical release in movie marketers’ minds. I used to run screaming from the room, but then want to immediately watch it again.

In the Tall Grass Review (Film, 2019)

In the Tall Grass is playing on a similar idea. If you enter the tall grass, you can’t leave. The world shifts around you, voices echo from the wrong direction, and you will never find your way to the road again. It’s also adapted from a novella by Stephen King and Joe Hill by writer/director Vincenzo Natali, the director responsible for Cube, one of the greatest low-to-high concept horror films of all time. The film is full of potential and there are some great moments.