Thank you for visiting Sketching Details. I'm Robert Gannon, and I am the owner of this website. I’ve run it by myself on various platforms since 2004.
There are a few ways to support Sketching Details.
If you would like to offer a one time donation, we’re collecting them through the PayPal button below.
We also set up a Ko-fi where you can donate, subscribe, or even shop (soon).
You can always shop my short fiction available on Amazon.
We’re also officially a Humble Bundle partner. Humble Bundle is where I get a lot of my games. They offer monthly subscriptions, thematic bundles, and a discount store where you can select a percentage of your sale to go to charities. Use this link to shop at Humble Bundle and I get a cut in the end. Cheaper games, support for wonderful charities like the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and you help keep Sketching Details up and running.
Lastly, you can follow us on social media: