I’m going to take a step back today. Do you know why I write about media? I like discussing media. I like having deep, meaningful discussions about film and television, games and theatre, and everything in between. I specifically like talking about horror, fantasy, and sci-fi. But when I tried to have those discussions with people who taught me media and people I knew who wrote about media, I was brushed off. I was told it was a waste of time. I was told there were things you don’t discuss seriously because they’re not worth the energy or the time.

Head Count Review (Film, 2019)

In Head Count, Evan goes to visit his brother in the middle of the desert. He runs into Zoe and her friends, who invite him to join them for a party at their rental house. They take turns reading scary stories around the campfire. Evan pulls up a poem from an anonymous story website that warns of what happens if you call out a creature’s name five times; that creatures name is the name of the poem and Evan read it. Now strange things are happening.