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ConnectiCon 2013 Primer

After teaching theater all day, I'm driving straight to Hartford, CT for Connecticon 2013. I'll be able to walk the show a little bit after checking into a hotel, but unfortunately I will not be able to post directly to this website until Sunday night. I had to IP lock it because I'm one of the targets of that WordPress attack that started two months ago. Basically, someone's programmed bots to spam WordPress log-ins to either destroy the site by correctly guessing the log-in or crash it due to server overload. I shut it off a month ago and had to call to have my hosting restored after reapplying the ban through the back end.

I'm going to attempt to post by e-mail throughout the weekend, but I don't know if it will work.

You can follow all the ConnectiCon 2013 coverage at my Twitter and my Facebook page.