Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

ConnectiCon 2013 Primer

After teaching theater all day, I'm driving straight to Hartford, CT for Connecticon 2013. I'll be able to walk the show a little bit after checking into a hotel, but unfortunately I will not be able to post directly to this website until Sunday night. I had to IP lock it because I'm one of the targets of that WordPress attack that started two months ago. Basically, someone's programmed bots to spam WordPress log-ins to either destroy the site by correctly guessing the log-in or crash it due to server overload. I shut it off a month ago and had to call to have my hosting restored after reapplying the ban through the back end.

I'm going to attempt to post by e-mail throughout the weekend, but I don't know if it will work.

You can follow all the ConnectiCon 2013 coverage at my Twitter and my Facebook page.

ConnectiCon 2013: Something for Everyone Without Losing Anyone

Announcing Foreign Chops #14: Italy
