Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

ConnectiCon 2014

It's a very busy week. We've hit the ground running on the first of two stage musicals at the summer camp, so I've been finishing up all the rehearsal material for the campers to use at home. It's also ConnectiCon this weekend and I'm furiously polishing all my panels and cosplay. On Saturday at 11:30 AM, I'm debuting my panel called The Play's the Thing: Shakespeare in Anime. This is all about Shakespeare adaptations in anime. I'll be touching on everything from Disney's theft of Kimba, the White Lion to the insanity of "Willy" Shakespeare writing unsuccessful plays while young Juliet Capulet hides from the vengeful dictatorship of Lord Montague in Romeo X Juliet. It's going to be a good time. Room MR 23.

On Saturday at 9:30 PM, I'm debuting my 18+ panel called Lovecraft on the Silver Screen. Another creative title. This one is about the best, the worst, and the most confusing H.P. Lovecraft film adaptations and the pursuit of a truly great adaptation. Many film clips will be presented to an eager crowd of horror fans. Room MR 15. You must have ID and obtain a wristband at any information kiosk before you can get into 18+ panels at ConnectiCon.

I hope to see you there.

Horror Thursday: The Call of Cthulhu

The Halfies: Best Films of 2014 So Far
