Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Massive Blood Drive 2016 #52FilmsByWomen #InYouToGive

Last Thursday, at Man I Love Films, I reviewed the latest "Massive Blood Drive" compendium of short films. For the past seven years, Jen and Sylvia Soska (American MarySee No Evil 2) have worked with Women in Horror Month to raise awareness for blood donation. What goes hand in hand with women and horror? Blood. Jen and Sylvia Soska challenge a group of directors to create PSAs inspired by a theme. This year was aptly rejected PSAs, for the Red Cross cannot publicly endorse an annual series of gory sexy horror shorts as a campaign tool, even if they really appreciate them in private.

This is actually the first year that all the films are not directed by women. Jen and Sylvia Soska, Jill Sixx Gevargizian, Maude Michaud, Patricia Chica, Gigi Saul Guerrero, Nicole McClure, Lisa Ovies, Tristan Risk, Veronica Hampson, and Kate Taeuschel are joined by Joe Magma and Andy Stewart. "Massive Blood Drive" still bucks the all too unfortunate trend of, at most, one or two female directors featured in an anthology.

You can watch the video here (I didn't dare post it at MILF without explicit permission) and click over to read the full glowing review.

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