Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Link Rally: 30 March 2012

  • This little sci-fi film inspired by a gag want ad for a time travelling companion looks really good. Pajiba
  • Ridley Scott wants Prometheus to get an R rating. Shock Till You Drop
  • Apparently, there's a Final Fantasy music game now. Kotaku
  • I'm much more interested in this Monsters alphabet from La Pompadour. Dude Craft


  • Ben Kuchera does a great job explaining the battle against the used game market in America. The PA Report
  • What can I say? I like when artists knock down melodrama in funny ways. Whomp!
  • A truly horrifying story about working retail. The Trenches

Finally, I hear tell that some people like this Game of Thrones show. Surely this funny little short will appeal to you with its premiere coming up.

Presenting Dr Whooves

The Link Rally: 29 March 2012
