Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Link Rally: 7 December 2011

TK over at Pajiba has an interesting look into the search for a new director for the Thor sequel. A new marvel property from the director who brought us Monster? Pajiba Remember how the New York Times had great actors doing different displays of emotion last year? This year's theme is big screen villains. I'll take one of each. New York Times

Zandar does a great deconstruction of a fake press release suckering a whole lot of major news writers yesterday. Warning: anti-anti-Obama language in droves. Angry Black Lady

Michael Helms interviews the writer/co-director and special effects supervisor of Needle, a disturbing horror film that has been doing great overseas. Warning: two nasty images involving needles embedded in the interview. Fangoria

Whomp! tackles the issue of the young at heart trying to meet Santa at the mall. Whomp!

Finally, while working on my Frank Wildhorn post today, I stumbled across a great audio-only performance of "Defying Gravity" by Kate Shindle. Kate understudied for the two female leads in Jekyll & Hyde, played Elle Woods' rival in Legally Blonde: The Musical (for the entire run), and starred as The Mad Hatter in Wonderland. All this from a former Miss USA whose platform was AIDS education (so she could sneak into abstinence-only schools and teach about birth control/safe sex). Spoiler: she can sang.

Presented Without Comment: Bitchin Kitchen Christmas Song

Play It: Love's Cadence
