Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Life Lessons with RuPaul's Drag U: Season 2, Ep. 9

This week on RuPaul's Drag U, three unemployed women are given a chance to boost their self confidence for the next interview. I have to point out that Tyra Sanchez, controversial season 2 Drag Race winner, really brings it in her debut episode. For starters, she does her best Tyra Banks impersonation circa Cycle 3 of America's Next Top Model. I prefer the new Tyra.

Tyra Banks Realness

She also does gives us one of the best examples of tough love in the history of the show. Her contestant keeps saying that she thinks she's so old because she's in her thirties. Tyra hands her a cane, a big pair of sunglasses, and construction-regulation ear muffs to make her appreciate how young she actually is.

Well done, Tyra. I think I'm a fan now. I'm also going to cut out the "Dear God, I turn 26 in a month and I'm old as sand" nonsense. Promise.

Now what does Lady Bunny have on her agenda this week?

It's a great set of Lady Lessons. Very succinctly, the show teaches us three budget facials and plays it up for a laugh.

Hey Raven, what do you think of Mom jeans?

I can tell we're going to be best friends, Raven jpeg.

Hey Raven, what do you think of Carmen Carrera walking around half naked all the time?

And the current heated political climate caused by staunch party loyalty and a refusal by so many to compromise?

Yes. This will do nicely.

Did I say I was abandoning you, wtf face Mariah? No. Cool it.

Manila Luzon showed up to teach us the essentials of avoiding the Walk of Shame.

Raven, is it ever acceptable to walk out of the house looking sloppy in the morning? Even if it's after making whoopi?

Thought not. What can you do to avoid this, Manila?

This was a pretty solid episode of the show. The women obviously aren't going to solve their job situation by playing in a drag contest, but they are going to get a few days to unwind and lots of pampering and praise to boost their self confidence. All three women are fully committed to the process and have a lot of fun with their drag professors. It's the kind of episode that makes this show so much fun.

What do you think? Did I miss anything important? Other than RuPaul saying "Dic-tion," if course. It's hard to grab a photo that puts that into perspective. Sound off below!

Coming Soon: Two New Musicals, Two Revivals, and an Update on Broadway

Flick or Skip: Colombiana (Opens 26 August 2011)
