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While I did a lot of gaming in 2020, I did not play many brand new to 2020 games. I got pulled right back into my comfort games at the start of quarantine and didn’t cover as many new games as I expected. As such, this list is a showcase of my favorite games that were new to 2020 and broken down into a few different categories.
In this special episode of Spookier Times, we look back at the best fantasy, sci-fi, and horror films of 2020.
2020 will go down as a historic year for the arts, a forced cultural reset that gave a wide range of art usually cast to the side a large platform through streaming access during a global pandemic. Of the Top 11 films of 2020, three were able to have a traditional theatrical release where anyone could safely watch in theaters if they were old enough and close enough; the rest are alternative releases through different streaming platforms.
My upload got shut off with no warning on Friday morning and so far five and counting customer service representatives/technicians have not been able to fix it. Their solution is to blame me or say “they’ll make a not of it.”