Neon Drive Review (PC Game, 2016)

In Neon Drive, you control a car through eight separate levels, avoiding obstacles to the time of a New Wave/Synth beat. The controls are left/right (so arrow keys, a/d, or the directional buttons/stick on a controller). That’s it. Tap once to move over one lane on the road. The game shifts perspectives during the song. One moment you’re driving on a flat surface avoiding raised platforms, the next you’re dodging lasers from a spaceship.

The Falling Review (Film, 2015)

The Falling is, quite honestly, one of the strangest horror films I’ve ever seen. After the death of their close friend Abbie (Florence Pugh), a group of young women in a boarding school begin to experience uncontrollable fainting spells and mass hysteria. Is it the spirit of Abbie speaking through them? A side effect of memorializing their friend through the occult? Or a group of young people crying out for attention from an establishment that tries and fails to control their every thought and action?