Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Outer Limits: S1E15 "The Mice"

The Outer Limits: S1E15 "The Mice"

The Outer Limits series continues at The Avocado with “The Mice.” I like my science fiction like I like my day job: highly theatrical. As in stageplays. As in this feels like a deeply metaphorical stageplay. 11/10, would stage an adaptation if I could get the rights. Read the full review at The Avocado.

The 74th Tony Awards Will Air on 26 September

The 74th Tony Awards Will Air on 26 September

Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil and 5th Anniversary Celebration #intothefog

Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil and 5th Anniversary Celebration #intothefog
