Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

New York Comic Con 2015 from a First Timer

Even though I did not attend New York Comic Con this year, a close friend of mine had his first big convention experience. One of his friends bought tickets for Thursday and they met up to experience it together. What I know is the pair were discouraged by how many people were there. Thursday, which is usually a slower day where press can get all their photos and actually meet people, was so packed you couldn't stand at a table in Artists' Alley without being smashed into by other people.

I'm glad my friend had this experience, but I'm sad I wasn't there to guide him through the crowds and show him how to interact with the flow of traffic at a convention this large.

Even if you ignore the crowd factor, there were genuine problems. NYCC offered no lanyards when my friend got there. The guidebooks were nowhere to be found (again). The mobile app did not work right (again). And, in a strange twist, there was so little signage leading to the basement level that my friend didn't even think anything was happening in the main event, panel, and signing areas.

He did follow through on his promise and send me photos from the convention. A fresh set of eyes is always wonderful. He focused on a lot of things I wouldn't have, so we all get to see a different set of highlights than if I had done the photography myself again.

#31DaysofHorror The Vampire's Coffin Review (Film, 1958)

#31DaysofHorror Creep Review (Film, 2014)
